
Lindsay’s Vegan Story

I first should start with that I became a vegetarian at the age of 9 after a traumatizing experience at sleep away camp. We were all sitting around the fire getting dinner ready and I believe we were having tacos and then I saw the red bloody ground beef and was so turned off I decided right then and there I would never eat meat again. Of course I had thought about being vegetarian for quite awhile before this and went through “phases” of not eating meat but my parents always doubted me, just as they did when they picked me up from camp and I announced I no longer ate meat, they rolled their eyes and said sure sure.

I eventually became more interested in strict vegetarianism and became one in high school. However at that point I was dealing with a number of body issues and was not eating correctly.  This became even more compounded by my change to a vegan diet. I ended up with mono because my immune system was so weak and a vitamin B12 deficiency.  After passing out a few times at work I decided that until I was more informed about nutrition that I would stick to vegetarianism.

I then met (well re-met him) my husband (who is also vegan and was at the time of our meeting) during my third year of university we began to date and cooked all of our meals together. I began to get my hands on any resource I find to help me understand more about nutrition and how to eat healthy on a vegan diet.  The more we were together the less dairy and eggs I consumed and then I decided that it was time to give them up all together especially with my knowledge of the affects of factory farming, the treatment animals and the additives that can be found in animal products that are not good for us or just plain appalling.

Becoming vegan brought my husband and I closer together and forced me to being more aware of what I am putting into my body. I also have developed a love for make our meals using whole foods and have developed a great knowledge of nutrition and food. My relationships with others has not changed but rather opened up my friends and family to try new things that are foreign to them and helping them see that vegan foods are just as good as ones that contain animal products.

However, one of the biggest challenges that I face as a vegan is trying to find food out on the road. When my husband and I travel I do immense research into our destinations to find vegan eats and shops but sometimes it is very difficult and frustrating

This blog started out as a place for me to document my recipes I made for my vegan lover (hubz) and has evolved into a place where I post recipes, product reviews, travel and nutritional tips, and restaurant recommendations.



7 responses to “About

  1. Jamie (Sencha Naturals)

    Wow, that’s really funny because I too became a veg at a sleep away camp in Washington at about age 9. I think one of my camp counselors was veg, and she inspired me. When I came home from camp I was like “Ok everyone, I am not eating meat,” and my family was surprised but supportive. Here I am 20 years later as a veg, still. 🙂

  2. fortheloveofguava

    Teehee… for some reason I’ve never read that… made me smile! 🙂

  3. I wish I will find a vegan husband~ xDDD

  4. Hey nice blog! I found you through Fitnessista. I’ll be sure to stop by more often 🙂

  5. I stumbled upon your blog from barbbarbbarb.com , great blog, i’m loving it! i’m a vegan curious person and have a niece that become a vegetarian at 8 and i’m always looking for ideas on what to feed her! thanks, i look forward to reading more!

  6. Interesting story, it must be great to live with a fellow vegan. We’re adding your blog to our list. Check us out at

  7. I like your story! You are now on my blogroll! 🙂

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